Next to part-time writing articles for Financial Director (FD) Magazine, ARSIMA Projects’ Owner and Managing Director Martin van Wunnik is a well sought speaker at numerous events. His topics are usually related to Finance and IT. For example: The 5 ERP-mythes, big data and financial basics. Here below you will find an overview from the previous events.
You can find these on our blog and on Slideshare
- The Belgian Institute of Management Accountants and Controllers (BIMAC) - Brussels
- Economic Council for East-Flanders (EROV) – Ghent
- 'Finance for Start-ups'-community (12 events) – Brussels and Leuven
- BizCamp & Betagroup – Brussels
- (2 events) – Leuven and Ghent
- AGORIA/Sirrs – Brussels
- Microsoft Innovation Centre (MIC) – Brussels
- Solvay ULB – Brussels