Elia Group is active in electricity transmission. With its two TSOs - Elia in Belgium and 50Hertz in Germany - the Group is one of the top 5 leading transmission system operators in Europe.
www.eliagroup.eu/Implementation of a new financial consolidation system for BMT GROUP, a Belgian industrial holding with several divisions. First a migration was done from the Frango-system to Cognos Controller for one division. Afterwards all the other divisions were set up to also work with this new software.
In April 2009 additional "live" support was performed on this project for the Q1/2009 closing.
www.bmtaerospace.com/Research and collaboration on predicitve algorithms for accounting data,based on PEPITe's Manufacturing Intelligence software.
www.pepite.be/Team member of the Cognos BI project (bespoke reporting for Finance and Risk).
www.degroofpetercam.be/en/homeExpert/Mentor for ICT startups & webentrepreneurs at the Boostcamp ExpertDays (Brussels).
www.mic-brussels.be/en/Providing financial strategies for ICT startup's and ICT companies of the Software-in-Brussels' cluster (i.e. the network of the Brussels actors in the software sector - www.softwareinbrussels.com).
www.abe-bao.be/enTrainer/lecturer for full day session (18 participants) on FinancialConsolidation/Consolidated Accounts in Ghent.
www.ugent.be/techtransfer/en/support-for-industry/iofbusinessdevelopmentcenters.htmCredit control follow-up and assistance for European region. Daily operations support for European & UK customers services, Belgin production planning, USA logistics, fine-tuning systems and interfaces with Exact software.
mohawkind.com/Integration project (systems & procedures) for the Customer Services of Mohawk Europe and Lano Carpets.
www.lano.com/enFinancial strategy, financial plan and exhaustive subsidy request for Maily, an iPad application for kids’ emails (100.000+ users).